Maria Charisi (Μαρία Χαρίση)


● Professional Service
Panel Reviewer, Astrophysics Data Analysis Program, NASA
Career Committee Member, Caltech Postdoctoral Association (2019-present)
Invited to consult the vice-provost & faculty members on Postdoctoral Studies Committee
Scientific Organizing Committee, NANOGrav meeting, Cornell University (2019)
Time Allocation Committee, Caltech Optical Observatories (2019B)
Peer Reviewer, MNRAS (2019-present)
Peer Reviewer, Radio Science (2018-present)
Peer Reviewer, The Astrophysical Journal (2017-present)
Executive Committee, CaJAGWR Seminars (2019-present)
Co-organizer, TAPIR Seminars, Caltech (2018-present)
Co-organizer, Workshop: LSST Detection of Optical Counterparts of Gravitational Waves (2017)
Student Representative, Astronomy Faculty Meetings, Columbia University (2015-2016)