Maria Charisi (Μαρία Χαρίση)


● Awarded Telescope Time and Funding
19 successful proposals (11 as PI/Co-PI), resulting in total funding of $234,800 ($75,000 as PI)

Is the supermassive black hole binary candidate J0950+5128 actually a single perturbed accretion disk? (Co-I)
19. Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 29, 5 orbits, pending funding approval (2021)
X-ray Observations during the predicted self-lensing flare of a peculiar AGN (Co-I)
18. NICER Guest Observer Program Cycle 2, ToO (2020)
Monitoring for a Repeated Lensing Flare from a Supermassive Binary Candidate (Co-I)
17. Las Cumbres Observatory, Director’s Discretionary Time, 8.5 hours, 1m Sinistro Telescopes (2020)
First X-ray observations of a peculiar flaring AGN observed by Kepler: a supermassive black hole binary hypothesis (Co-I)
16. Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cycle 21, 100 ksec ACIS-S, $87,300 (2019)
15. NASA Swift Cycle 15 Guest Investigator Program, 30 ksec XRT, $30,000 (2019)
Periodic self-lensing from accreting supermassive black hole binaries (Co-I) 14. Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cycles 20-22, 25 ksec ACIS-S, $42,500 (2018)
Testing the origin of periodic variability for the binary candidate PG1302-102 (Science PI)
13. NASA Swift Cycle 14 Guest Investigator Program, 21 ksec XRT, UVOT (grism), $33,000 (2018)
12. NASA Swift Cycle 13 Guest Investigator Program, 28 ksec XRT, UVOT (grism), $42,000 (2017)
Long-term monitoring of sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary candidates (Co-I)
11. 5-8 nights, optical spectroscopy, 200-inch Hale Telescope, Palomar Observatory (2019-2020)
Awarded strategic status for the time allocation of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Spectroscopic redshift confirmation of Extremely Radio-Loud AGN (PI)
10. 1 night, optical spectroscopy, LRIS-ADC, Keck I, W. M. Keck Observatory (2020)
9. 1.5 nights, optical spectroscopy, LRIS-ADC, Keck I, W. M. Keck Observatory (2019)
X-ray observations of sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary candidates (Co-I)
8. NASA Swift Cycle 15 Guest Investigator Program (Italian TAC), 50 ksec XRT (2019)
Monitoring periodic quasars most probably hosting black hole binaries (Co-PI)
7. 2018B, 60 hours photometry, LCOGT 1-meter network , S. African Astronomical Observatory (2018)
Spectroscopy of sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary candidates (Co-PI)
6. 2018B, 1 night, optical spectroscopy, 200-inch Hale Telescope, Palomar Observatory (2018)
5. 2018A, 1 night, optical spectroscopy, 200-inch Hale Telescope, Palomar Observatory (2018)
Spectroscopic follow-up of supermassive black hole binary candidates that show periodic variability (PI)
4. 2018B, 3 nights, photometry and spectroscopy, 2.4m Hiltner Telescope, MDM Observatory (2018)
3. 2017A, 5 nights, optical spectroscopy, Hiltner 2.4m Telescope, MDM Observatory (2017)
2. 2016A, 5 nights, optical spectroscopy, Hiltner 2.4m Telescope, MDM Observatory (2016)
Follow-up observations of quasar PG1302 in optical, UV and X-rays (PI)
1. Target of Opportunity, 1 ksec XRT, UVOT (grism), Swift Gamma-ray Burst Explorer (2016)