Maria Charisi (Μαρία Χαρίση)


● Fellowships and Awards
VIDA Fellowship, Vanderbilt Initiative for Data-intensive Astrophysics, Vanderbilt University (2020-2023)
NANOGrav Fellowship, NANOGrav Physics Frontier Center, Caltech (2017-2020)
Dean’s Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University (2011-2017)
Paul Nichoplas Fellowship, Interschool fellowship, Columbia University (2015-2016)
Hartle Award, Best student presentation on Pulsar Timing Arrays, GR21 conference (2016)
Undergraduate Fellowship, State Scholarship Foundation of Greece (IKY) (2016)
*Admission in the Physics Department with the top score (among ~220 students)

● Travel Awards
American Astronomical Society International Travel Grant (2018)
A Half-Century of Blazars and Beyond, Turin, Italy
University of Cambridge Conference Travel Grant (2017)
The disc migration issue: from protoplanets to supermassive black holes, Cambridge, UK
American Astronomical Society International Travel Grant (2016)
IAU Symposium 324: New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University Travel Award (2016)
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Athens, Greece
Astronomical Society of New York Student Travel Award (2016)
Observing trip to MDM Observatory, Kitt Peak, USA
NASA Academy Alumni Association Dr. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Travel Grant (2015)
6th International Fermi Symposium, Arlington, USA