Maureen Teyssier
Astro 120 Fall 2002
Taught by Professor Marcy

Description from the Course Catalog: This course requires four to six experiments such as the following: accurate position measurements of stars with subsequent derivation of the diameter of the Earth and refraction of the astmosphere; laboratory exploration of the characteristics of charge-coupled devices; measurement of the distance, reddening, and age o a star cluster; measurement of the Stokes paramenters and linear polarization of dffuse synchrotron and reflection nebulae; measurement of the period and pulse shape of the Crab pulsar using Fourier techniques. There is a heavy emphasis on error analysis, software development in the IDL language, and high-quality written reports.

Most importantly, this class was where I began using IDL. It's true that using a telescope, and that learning about error analysis were highly valuable. But the IDL that I learned was invaluable, because it functioned as a springboard to other exciting things (read: research positions).

Prof. Marcy and Maureen.

Astronomy 120

Lab Reports

Lab 1  Computer Simulation of a Photomultiplier Tube
pdf postscript
Lab 2 Evaluating Data from a PMT using Statistics
Determine the statistical properties of photons, and how to deal with the physical limitations of taking data with a photomultiplier tube.
pdf postscript
Lab 3 CCD Photometry
We measured brightness of the star Pegasus 28, using a 512x512 CCD, a R-band filter, and the Leuschner Telescope. We then analyzed the image and used a reference star to calculate the apparent magnitude in the R region.
pdf postscript
Lab 4 Differential Photometry of HD209548
Determine how accurately we could do differential photometry on the star HD 209458, working in groups and as a class, and to see if we could detect the transit of a planet around that star.
Lab 5 Plate Scale and the Size of a Quasar
Determine the number of arcsec/pixel of the CCD. An exposure was taken of the star δ Cephei, a binary star system with separation of 41.0 arcsec. Data was taken with the Leuschner telescope, and a 512x512 CCD.
pdf postscript
Lab 6 Constructing and Analyzing an H-R Plot of NGC 559
A H-R diagram was constructed of open cluster NGC 559, and then analyzed to find the age of the cluster. The age was found to be approximately 8x109 years.
pdf postscript
Lab 7 Radial Velocities of Four Stars
The radial velocities of four stars, HD49674, HIP21276, HIP42491, KH15D, were calculated relative to the Barycenter of our Solar System. This was accomplished with a wavelength calibration using a thorium-argon sample. A gaussian fit procedure was used to determine the center of the spectral lines on the CCD and convert them to wavelengths. Then the doppler shift equation was used to find the velocity.
pdf postscript


Classmate's Pages

  • Mohan
  • Alicia
  • Brandon
  • Emily