The Grand Canyon: From the North Rim

This was an epic hike. We camped in the National Forest Friday night, and hiked down the North Rim on Saturday. We spent Saturday night at Phantom Ranch (14 miles), and woke up at 5 to beat the sun on our way out. It was 110 degrees at the bottom, but still gorgeous. We also got lucky, and there was a 3 hour thunderstorm as we were climbing out. It was a nice little break from the pounding sun. I brought my camera, but was too busy looking around to take many pictures.

Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift

Hanging out by Bruce's House. Taken by BSwift

The stream by our campsite. The water was 85 degrees but felt freezing, because the air temperature in the shade was 110. Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift

Exhaused and climbing out. Only 3 miles to go! Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift

Kyle is starving. I guess when you're that hungry, even salsa tastes good. Taken by BSwift

Taken by BSwift, modified by me.

We drove back on Sunday. I washed my hair in the sink of a diner we stopped in. Pretty classy, I know, but it itched. I woke up Monday morning to discover that the light was on in my room. I was also danging halfway off my bed; I only remained that way because I was pinned down by my backpack. I must have done a maneuver like this the night before: "Oh look, my bed!" Faceplant. Commence snoring.