This procedure is obselete and archived here for future alien archeaologists. OBSERVING PROCEDURE FOR SINGLE-OBJECT OSMOS TARGETING AT MDM 2.4M (draft) by Adrian Lucy, working with Jules Halpern -Keep in mind: -0.273"/pixel -Data goes to /lhome/data -for this run: both filters open, slit 1.2 inner, VPH grism -time to angle conversion -Start of the night: -filename prefix. -newext 1 -check that overscan x=32, y=0, binning=1, ROI is 1:4064,1525:2540 (if not, call roi4x1k) For flats: -MIS: flat lamps on, finder in -flat 'Flat' -exptime 400 -grism and slit in -go 10 For line lamps: -MIS: flat off, finder in, Xe or Hg-Ne+Ne -comp 'Xe' -exptime 1 (for HgNe) -exptime 900 (for Xe) -grism and slit in -go 1 -focus by line widths? keep in mind expected temperature changes. At sunset: -fill the dewer -open the garage door, louvres, dome -dark hatch open -lights off, check shade -finder out -Turn on guide camera coolers -Switches---everything but ext comp on, clockwise from autodome after green start button -check mirror petals Pointing: -TCS (or JSkyCalc---coords-->TCS next object) nearest bright star, -send coords and go -set disp wheel to open (2), slit open -object 'Point' -exptime 1 -go and display (flip y to get North up, East left)...get star to slit x and desired y (for this run, ~3324, 462...for other runs, expose for 5 seconds with the slit in and disperser out to check x position, and decide about ideal y position). Calculate motion from 0.273"/pixel and use hand paddle to move telescope. East increases RA, North increases dec. South to decrease y position of object (remember flipping does not change the gradient of the numbers), west to decrease x. -go again and check -Set RA/dec encoders in TCS (first make sure right coords are in the XTCS and that they are sent to the TCS) Targeting: -Put object coordinates into the TCS, send and go) -Expose to see if the object is at the slit position---if not, move telescope to fix to within +/- ~10 pixels or so. -Import to JSkyCalc, 'set to now', and pick a guide star from the chart and in JSkyCalc Move Guide Probe -"Start" exposing on the guide probe (do not click "Expose") -Put dx,dy offsets (for this run, -104, +221) into the guideprobe via the MIS panel if not applied on a previous object. -If not in the center, come up with new dx,dy offsets through trial and error, don't use the hand paddle if the object is well centered on the slit. (If lost, try to find in guider first (especially with East/West slewing with the hand paddle), then if that fails, try to find in imaging (use a different ROI for a wider field of view if necessary).) -(((Once guide star centered, if first night of the run, click "Expose."))) -Otherwise, even if just first object of the night, just start tracking on the guideprobe screen (unless focusing). -Focus the guider if necessary (mostly cosmetic). Focusing: -turn off tracking on the guideprobe -focus manually, the script is not very useful. Always want to arrive at focus number by going Out to avoid backlash---so overshoot and return out if going in. Out for warmer temperatures, I think. Pick the object or a star near the slit position to focus. -turn tracking back on Object targeting (the idea is to use dx and dy in the guiderobe to make find adjustments to the telescope pointing): -Object 'FBQS hellomynameis' -Take an image with open slit and open disperser (maybe ~10s---but need enough to get object position). -Take an image with slit in and disperser out (~5s). -Use osctrtask in pyraf (execute('') first) (epar with acqnum=number of the open image, slitnum=number of the slit image, check prefix and filepath, slitns=yes if slit is aligned north-south, twoframes=yes, everything else no, mode=al ?) -Put the dx and dy it gives you into the MIS. -Check position with an open exposure if so desired. -Perhaps make a note of the shift and add that into the original dx and dy values used, if significant (if values are forgotten, can compare star to guide probe positions in JSkyCalc). Object exposure: -put the slit and disperser in, and expose for desired length of time -use osqlsp in pyraf for a quick reduction before moving on to next object: -compare telescope position to object position and decide if need to set RA/dec encoders -turn off tracking End of night: -turn off tracking -slew telescope to zenith (RA = LST + 1 min, equinox=current epoch in decimal years) -close mirror covers -Wait until HA=0 (NOT RA=LST, because different equinox) and turn -track off -turn of guider cooler, and in MIS, guider preset to origin -switch the rest of the switches, except WAIT on autodome -close the dome -close the dark hatch -close the garage door and louvres -fill the dewer -autodome off once dome is home and shut -take out the dewer