Emily Sandford

Astronomer at Columbia University. Interested in transiting planets and how we detect them.

Planetary Linguistics

What can natural language processing teach us about planetary systems?

Shadow Imaging

Can we infer the shape of an object from its transit light curve alone?

Single Transits

How can we constrain the period of a planet if we only see it transit once?

Kepler Atlas

In 2017, I mentored a team of four high school students through the American Museum of Natural History's Science Research Mentoring Program. Over the course of the school year, we built a 3D interactive atlas of all the Kepler exoplanet discoveries.

Science Writing

I was a staff writer at Astrobites from 2016-2018. Since then, I've written a bit for Sky & Telescope magazine.

Cool Worlds

I'm a regular contributor to the Cool Worlds YouTube channel.


For a list of my publications, click here.


Send me a message at esandford [at] astro [dot] columbia [dot] edu.