Columbia University Astronomy and Astrophysics

Astronomy C3646


Arlin Crotts
Professor of Astronomy
Phone number: 854-7899
Office: Pupin 1012

The lectures are scheduled as follows:

4-6 Sep.: Introduction (Chap. 1), Coordinates & Time (Chap. 3-4)

11-13 Sep.: The Atmosphere (Chap. 2)

18-20 Sep.: Optics and Telescopes (Chap. 5)

25-27 Sep.: Optical Detectors (Chap. 6)

2-4 Oct.: Optical Instruments (Chap. 6, cont.)

9-11 Oct.: Observing Trip (tentative)

16-18 Oct.: Radio Astronomy (Chap. 7)

23-25 Oct.: Magnitudes and Spectroscopy (Chap. 8)

30 Oct., 1 Nov.: Stellar Measurements (Chap. 9-10)

8 Nov: Spectroscopy (Chap. 11)

13-15 Nov.: Statistics (suggest Bevington, chap. 1-4)

20 Nov.: Instruments for Other Wavelengths/Particles (Chap. 12)

27-29 Nov.: Multiwavelength Sky (Chap. 12, cont.)

4-6 Dec.: Project Review If the class is interested, Prof. Crotts would be happy to lecture on other astrophysical topics, beyond the material for which students are responsible.

Grades will also be based on a final exam (15%), two quizes (5% and 5%), in addition to the reading questions (10%), problem sets (15%), and two projects (25% apiece).

Observing Projects
These are some of the ideas that Prof. Crotts suggests. Observations can take place from the roof of Pupin Lab, using the rooftop telescopes; other must make use of the MDMO 2.4-meter telescope. Also note that there are several projects involving data which has already been collected, including projects involving data archives on the World-Wide Web. You can develop these or others of your own in consultation with Prof. Crotts.